Fixed Point Operators in C++

As known, Lambda-calculus has no global environment; hence, implementing recursion looks particularly difficult. However, C++ does provide a global environment, so it is possible to implement recursive functions in the traditional way (notice that the function to be recursively invoked has to be captured by reference; a capture by value/copy would result in the usage of uninitialized variables, with the consequent segmentation fault). Fixed point combinators, such as Y, allow working around this issue. In pratice, a fixed point combinator "fix" computes the fixed point of a function G: fix G = G(fix G) if G is the "closed form" of a recursive function, "fix" computes such a function


Implementing "fix" in C++ based on its definition "fix(g)=g(fix(g))" leads to endless recursion, since C++ passes parameters by value (if the "-Wall" compiler option is used, g++ even warns about this issue at build time). This problem can be addressed by using a lambda expression to avoid the immediate evaluation of fix(g) (remember how parameter passing by name can be emulated in C++).

This solution is, however, not a real combinator, since fix() recursively invokes itself (hence, it refers a name bound in a non-local environment - in Lambda-calculus jargon, this function has a free variable). Implementing a real fixed point combinator (such as Y) is much more difficult, because of type checking. This problem can be worked around using advanced data types, as done for the omega function \x.xx

