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Time Analysis and Model-Based Design, from Functional Models to Distributed Deployments

Workshop topic

       Model-based and Model-driven design flows are very popular in the industry because of the possibility of analysis and verification by simulation or model checking and because of the availability of automatic code generation tools that provide a path to implementation. However, in most flows, the timing behavior of the system depends on features of the computation and communication architecture that are modeled late or not modeled at all, bringing the possibility for an inappropriate selection of the computing platform (over- or underperforming) and possibly an incorrect software implementation of the functional model. To this end, timing analysis techniques can provide support for the analysis of architecture solutions and system configurations and also define analytical methods for the synthesis of feasible/correct solutions. Hence, the need for a better integration of timing analysis technologies, methods and tools in model-based and model-driven flows. The workshop attempts at bridging the gap between the three communities of model-based design, real-time analysis and model-driven development, for a better understanding of the ways in which new development flows that go from system-level modeling to the correct and predictable generation of a distributed implementation can be constructed leveraging current and future research results.

Organizers-Technical committee

Marco Di NataleScuola Superiore S. Anna, Pisa,
Sebastien GerardCEA List, France
Pieter MostermanThe Mathworks, USA
Julio Medina PasajeUniversidad de Cantabria, Santander, spain
Roberto PasseroneUniversità di Trento, Italy
Alberto Sangiovanni-VincentelliUniversity of California, Berkeley, USA
Martin ThorngrenKTH Stockholm, Sweden
Stavros TripakisUniversity of California, Berkeley, USA
Tullio VardanegaUniversità di Padova, Italy
Wang YiUppsala university, Sweden
Haibo ZengGeneral Motors R&D, USA
Qi ZhuIntel corp, USA

Submission info

       We seek original contributions of no more than 6 pages, using the same template for full conference papers (available at This page). Submissions must cover original research material, not necessarily fully developed but with innovative and stimulating ideas, concepts and realizations. Submitted papers should be sent before the deadline to any of the organizers using the email addresses shown above. At least one representative for each accepted paper will need to be registered for the workshop and present in person her/his work. Position papers are also acceptable, provided they present/propose innovative approaches to the solution of the problem or requirements coming from the analysis of case studies and/or practical experience. The program will be integrated by contributions from invited speakers and presentations from projects and case studies from the academia and the industry. The Cfp can be accessed from here in PDF or TXT

Important Dates

  • Paper submission
    Monday, August 07, 2011

  • Acceptance Notification
    Monday, August 31, 2011

  • Final version
    Thursday, September 15, 2011

  • Workshop
    October 9, 2011

Call for Papers

Program and Presentations