Gabriele Cecchetti is a research fellow at the Scuola Superiore S. Anna of Pisa, Italy, since October 2000.
His current research activities span several areas, including:
- design and performance evaluation of scheduling algorithms for Quality of Service provisioning in wireless computer networks with soft real-time constraints;
- design and evaluation of cross-layer framework architecture for providing Quality of Service in heterogeneus wireless networks;
- Quality of Service provisioning and analysis for 4G systems;
- wireless link emulation.
He has been involved in several national (FIRB) and international (European IST) projects, as well as research projects supported by private industries.
Results of his research and projects activities are disseminated trough publications on journals and on proceedings at international conferences.
He is a member of the IEEE.
Currently, he is teaching::
- Computer Architecture at University of Siena, and
- Internet Software Technologies at Scuola Superiore S. Anna.
During his studies he received a Laurea degree in Computer Systems Engineering in 1995, from the University of Pisa, and Master degree in Clinical Engeneering in 2002, from the University of Trieste.