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Last updated on
22 February 2025

Tommaso Cucinotta: Hobbies and spare time

My preferred hobby has always been programming and computers. I've been programming since I was in middle school on an old Commodore 64 in Basic and Assembler 6502. During the high school, I switched to an Amiga 500 with such languages as QBasic, Amiga Basic, Assembler 68000 and Pascal. In those ages, I used to waste time by writing a 100% assembly clone of the Sound Tracker, with an interface towards a very bad keyboard with no MIDI, which my brother (with more passion for electronics than computers) had unmounted, pulling out magically a set of wires connected to a mysterious box which could be plugged into the parallel port. Afterwards, it came the age of the PC with C/C++, Object-Oriented Programming, Design Patterns, HTML, JavaScript, Java, Perl, Python, Zope, AspectJ, and in the end modifying the Linux kernel.


Some useful Emacs commands which ease both writing and programming tasks

A few contributions of mine to the open-source community

Small utility programs I made for myself

Main page Research activities Publications Talks MSc thesis projects Courses Mentoring Hobby and spare time Write me Last updated on
22 February 2025