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Paper details

L. Abeni, T. Cucinotta, G. Lipari, L. Marzario, L. Palopoli, "QoS Management through adaptive reservations," Real-Time Systems Journal, Vol. 29, Issue 2-3, March 2005, ISSN:0922-6443, Kluwer Academic.


Reservation based (RB) scheduling is a class of scheduling algorithms that is well-suited for a large class of soft real-time applications. They are based on a "bandwidth" abstraction, meaning that a task is given the illusion of executing on a dedicated slower processor. In this context, a crucial design issue is deciding the bandwidth that each task should receive. The point we advocate is that, in presence of large fluctuations on the computation requirements of the tasks, it can be a beneficial choice to dynamically adapt the bandwidth based on QoS measurements and on the subsequent application of feedback control (adaptive reservations). In this paper, we present two novel contributions to this research area. First, we propose three new control algorithms inspired to the ideas of stochastic control. Second, we present a flexible and modular software architecture for adaptive reservations. An important feature of this architecture is that it is realised by means of a minimally invasive set of modifications to the Linux kernel.

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DOI: 10.1007/s11241-005-6882-0

BibTeX entry:

	doi = {10.1007/s11241-005-6882-0},
	url = {},
	year = 2005,
	month = mar,
	publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}},
	volume = {29},
	number = {2-3},
	pages = {131--155},
	author = {L. Abeni and T. Cucinotta and G. Lipari and L. Marzario and L. Palopoli},
	title = {{QoS} Management Through Adaptive Reservations},
	journal = {Real-Time Systems}

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22 February 2025