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22 February 2025

Publication details

T. Cucinotta, "Optimum Scalability Point for Parallelisable Real-Time Components," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Synthesis and Optimization Methods for Real-time and Embedded Systems (SOMRES 2011), co-located with the 32nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2011), Vienna, Austria, November 29 - December 2, 2011.


Distributing the workload of computationally intensive software components across a set of homogeneous computing resources (nodes, hosts, processors, cores), for the purpose of allowing them to meet precise timing (response-time) constraints, is often a pain due to the difficulties in understanding how the software will actually scale. Often, such a problem is faced by recurring to a trial-and-error process. In this paper, a methodology is introduced to tackle the problem of finding the optimum number of processors for deploying parallelisable real-time software components. Basic building blocks of the methodology are: a generic performance model for the response-time of a parallel software component; a concrete procedure for tuning optimally the parameters of the model; the application of optimisation techniques that allow to compute what is the minimum allocation needed to meet precise deadline constraints, as well as the one that minimises the response-time; the consideration of multiple real-time (independent) components to be deployed on the same multi/many-core hardware.

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22 February 2025