To create a simple "tinyfs.gz" image (containing busybox, sudo, the needed libraries, and some boot scripts) you can use the "BuildCore" scripts: git clone mkdir TinyFS cd TinyFS/ sh ../BuildCore/ $(pwd)/tinyfs.gz To update this image (adding some files to it), create a new cpio file by putting what you need in a directory, and then running find . | cpio -H newc -o | gzip > ../mod.gz from inside the directory. For example, to add a module named "module.ko" to the image you can use mkdir Tmp cp module.ko Tmp cd tmp find . | cpio -H newc -o | gzip > ../mod.gz cd .. The resulting ".gz" file can be concatenated with tinyfs.gz. For example, cat mod.gz tinyfs.gz > test.gz