Introduction to Python Programming (10h)

Lecturer: Daniel Casini (10h)

Course calendar and slides

  1. "Introduction to Python: variables and conditional statements", 27 November 2024, 14-16, Aquarium Room Tecip (Via Moruzzi 1, Area CNR)
  2. "Loops, arrays, and strings", 2 December 2024, 14-16, PC Room Tecip (Via Moruzzi 1, Area CNR)
  3. "Dictionaries and functions", 3 December 2024, 10-13, Yellow Room Tecip (Via Moruzzi 1, Area CNR)
  4. "Python classes and inheritance", 5 December 2024, 14-17, PC Room Tecip (Via Moruzzi 1, Area CNR)


  1. Download exercises

Exam example and solution

  1. Example exam questions
  2. Example exam solution