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18 March 2024

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L. Pannocchi, S. Lahiri, S. Fichera, A. Artale, T. Cucinotta. "LLMs for Virtualized Networking Infrastructures: An Industrial Report," in Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC 2024), 30th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2024), July 27th, 2024, Madrid, Spain.


Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques are disrupting several fields of engineering, including telecommunications. In this domain, network operators are evaluating the use of data-oriented techniques to improve the management of virtualized networking infrastructures in several aspects, including monitoring, optimization, traffic forecasting, capacity planning, anomaly detection, and others. This paper summarizes our ongoing experience in the area of adopting human-machine interfaces based on Natural Language Processing for easing and speeding-up the interactions between these systems and network operators in their everyday work.

Copyright by Springer.

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Main page Research activities Publications Talks MSc thesis projects Courses Mentoring Hobby and spare time Write me Last updated on
18 March 2024