4th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies
for Embedded and Real-time Systems
July, 9th 2013, Paris, France |
Due to the rapid increase in the functionality requirements of automotive control networks, mixed CAN (Controller Area Network) and Ethernet networks have recently gained considerable attention. This paper presents a simulation environment for CAN–Ethernet networks based on the opensource network simulator OMNeT++, part of the INET framework. We develop simulation models of CAN and a CAN– Ethernet Gateway (GW). To validate the CAN model, we measure the end-to-end latency of CAN messages and compare its performance with an existing CAN network simulator. We apply the proposed simulation environment to an automotive CAN– Ethernet system, and confirm that it is an effective aid in the design and evaluation of such networks.
CloudNetSim - Simulation of Real-Time Cloud Computing Applications
Tommaso Cucinotta and Aram Santogidis
Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent, Dublin
In this paper, we describe CloudNetSim, a project aiming to realise a simulation platform supporting our ongoing and planned research activities in the area of resource management and scheduling for distributed QoS-sensitive and soft real-time applications. It is based on OMNeT++, integrating in the platform a set of modules for the simulation of CPU scheduling, including hierarchical scheduling at both levels of the hypervisor and guest Operating System, as needed when simulating cloud infrastructures. Thanks to the modularity of OMNeT++, CloudNetSim may easily leverage many existing simulation models already available for networking, including standard network components and protocols, such as TCP/IP. After a brief overview of related simulation tools found in the literature, and the discussion of their limitations, we provide a detailed description of the internals of our simulator. Then, we show results gathered from a few representative scenarios demonstrating how its behaviour matches with the one of simple real applications.
A Simulation Tool for Optimal Phasing of Nodes Distributed over Industrial Real-Time Networks
Sang-Hun Lee (a), Hyun-Wook Jin (a), Kanghee Kim (a) and Kanghee Kim (b)
(a) Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
(b) School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea
Emerging industrial real-time networks, such as EtherCAT and PROFINET, provide highly accurate clock synchronization. Thus, this feature opens a new chance to adjust phasing across distributed nodes aiming for better synchronization of dependent tasks. However, obtaining an optimal node phasing across distributed nodes has not been given enough attention while the worst-case task phasing on each node assuming no global clock has been studied in many ways. In this paper, we suggest a simulation tool that searches for an optimal phasing on distributed nodes with respect to less end-to-end delays and less actuation jitters. The proposed tool holistically simulates task scheduling on each node, transmission of network messages, DMA, and I/O event handling. It tries to reduce the time to find an optimal node phasing by skipping uninteresting phase combinations. Through a case study, we show that the simulator can efficiently suggest an optimal node phasing across distributed nodes and provide distribution of possible end-to-end delays and actuation jitters for given task sets.