2nd International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies
for Embedded and Real-time Systems
July, 5th 2011, Porto, Portugal
in conjunction with
The ambitious goal of the International Workshop on Anaysis Tools
and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems is to start
creating a common ground and a community to collect methodologies,
software tools, best practices, data sets, application models,
benchmarks and any other way to improve comparability
of results in the current practice of research in real-time and
embedded systems. People from industry are welcome to
contribute as well with realistic data or methods coming from their
own experience.
- October, 18th 2011: The submission deadline for the WATERS Elsevier JSA special issue has been extended till November, 4th.
- July, 12th 2011: The instructions on how to submit an extended version of your WATERS paper to the Elsevier's JSA journal are now available on-line.
- July, 12th 2011: An on-line program page has been created with downloadable links for all the presentations. Also, a tools page has been created with a short description of all the tools presented at the workshop, along with pointers to the respective websites.
- June, 28th 2011: The WATERS 2011 tentative program is now available on-line.
- June, 23rd 2011: The WATERS 2011 proceedings are now available on-line.
- The list of accepted papers is now on-line.
- Registration information available here.
- May, 19th 2011: notification of acceptance sent to authors (camera ready due by June, 19th 2011).
- Submission deadline aligned to the one of the other ECRTS workshops: April, 25th.
- Authors of the best papers from WATERS will be invited to submit
an extended version of the paper to a special issue of
the Elsevier
Journal of Systems Architecture.