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Publication details

R. Andreoli, S. Forti, L. Pannocchi, T. Cucinotta, A. Brogi. "A logic programming approach to VM placement," (to appear) in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2024), May 2-4, 2024, Angers, France.


Placing virtual machines so to minimize the number of used physical hosts is an utterly important problem in cloud computing and next-generation virtualized networks. This article proposes a declarative reasoning methodology, and its open-source prototype, including four heuristic strategies to tackle this problem. Our proposal is extensively assessed over real data from an industrial case study and compared to state-of-the-art approaches, both in terms of execution times and solution optimality. As a result, our declarative approach determines placements that are only 6% far from optimal, outperforming a state-of-the-art genetic algorithm in terms of execution times, and a first-fit search for optimality of found placements. Last, its pipelining with a mathematical programming solution improves execution times of the latter by one order of magnitude on average, compared to using a genetic algorithm as a primer.

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DOI: 10.5220/0012729500003711

BibTeX entry:

     title={A Logic Programming Approach to VM Placement},
     booktitle={Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science},
     publisher={SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications},
     author={Andreoli, Remo and Forti, Stefano and Pannocchi, Luigi and Cucinotta, Tommaso and Brogi, Antonio},

Reproducibility & Open Science

We provide a compressed archive including an open-source implementation of the declPacker program used in the paper, alongside the data-set used for its evaluation and the scripts to reproduce the figures in the paper.

Related works

Baseline paper on "Optimum VM Placement for NFV Infrastructures", published at IEEE IC2E along with the open data-set used for the evaluation section in this paper

Main page Research activities Publications Talks MSc thesis projects Courses Mentoring Hobby and spare time Write me Last updated on
18 March 2024