3rd International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies
for Embedded and Real-time Systems
July, 10th 2012, Pisa, Italy
in conjunction with
WATERS 2012 - Technical Program - Tuesday, July 10th, 2012
The printable version of the proceedings is available as a PDF file for download.
Session A - Simulation (1)
- hsSim: an Extensible Interoperable Object-Oriented n-Level Hierarchical Scheduling Simulator
João Pedro Craveiro, Rui Ormonde Silveira and José Rufino.
- RTMultiSim: A versatile simulator for multiprocessor real-time systems
Anca Hangan and Gheorghe Sebestyen
- YARTISS: A Tool to Visualize, Test, Compare and Evaluate Real-Time Scheduling Algorithms
Younes Chandarli, Frédéric Fauberteau, Damien Masson, Serge Midonnet and Manar Qamhieh
Session B - Design and Analysis
- Compositional Performance Analysis in Python with pyCPA
Jonas Diemer, Philip Axer and Rolf Ernst
- Interoperable Tracing Tools
Luca Abeni and Nicola Manica
- Advances in the automation of model driven software engineering for hard real-time systems with Ada and the UML Profile for MARTE
Julio Medina and Alejandro Perez Ruiz
- Enabling Model-Based Development of Distributed Embedded Systems on Open Source and Free Tools
Marco Di Natale, Mario Bambagini, Matteo Morelli, Alessandro Passaro, Dario Di Stefano and Giuseppe Arturi
Session C - Simulation (2)
- SystemC based Simulation for Virtual Prototyping of Large Scale Distributed Embedded Control Systems
David Ginsberg, Alessandro Mignogna, Marco Carloni, Francesco Menichelli, Alberto Ferrari, Dang Nguyen and Eelco Scholte
- The Design and Implementation of a Simulator for Switched Ethernet Networks
Mohammad Ashjaei, Moris Behnam and Thomas Nolte
- SoOSiM: Operating System and Programming Language Exploration
Christiaan Baaij and Kuper Jan