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22 February 2025

Tommaso Cucinotta: research activities

Short biography

Born in 1974 in Potenza, Italy. Got Computer Engineering degree on 3rd May 2000, with maximum ranks (110 cum laude), at University of Pisa. Got Computer Engineering PhD on 21st July 2004 at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (SSSA) of Pisa with a thesis entitled "Issues in authentication by means of smart-card devices". From year 2005 to 2011 researcher at the Real-Time Systems Laboratory (ReTiS) of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. From year 2012 to June 2014 researcher at Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs in Dublin, Ireland, carrying out research in security and real-time performance of cloud-based systems. Since July 2014, Software Development Engineer at Amazon DataBase Services, Dublin, Ireland, where he worked on improving the real-time performance and scalability of DynamoDB. Since 2016, associate professor at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, and coordinator of the real-time and embedded systems research area since July 2019. For more details, please checkout my complete CV.

Research interests

My main research topics of interest are the following:

My main PhD research topic was Computer Security, specifically:

For further details, please check the complete list of my publications, and the list of invited talks about the above mentioned topics I gave in some important events. You can also find some of my presentations on SlideShare. Furthermore, I have also an official web page on the Scuola Sant'Anna website.

Furthermore, I actively participate into the organization and Program Committees of various conferences and workshops in my areas of expertise

Available thesis projects

This is a list of the available thesis topics, within the scope of my research interests, that may be undertaken by students of the Laurea Specialistica in Computer Engineering or similar.

Joint Master Degree with University of Trento: Course on Computer Security

This page is reserved to the course on computer security for students of the Joint Double Degree Program between University of Trento and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. The access is therefore restricted to the students only.


This is a listing of the projects that I'm currently working at, or I've been involved into. Only a short description is given for each project along with a URL pointer to the web pages, where you can find further specific details.

S(o)OS - Service-oriented Operating Systems
The S(o)OS Project (Service-oriented Operating Systems) addresses the needs of high-performance and distributed systems of the future: performance will rely on a parallelism degree which cannot be even imagined nowadays, with thousands of heterogeneous computing elements networked within each single chip, and thousands or milions of machines interconnected by next-generation networks. The nowadays programming models, Operating System interfaces and architectures cannot scale to such parallelism degree levels. They are simply inadequate for an efficient use of the resources available to the applications of tomorrow. S(o)OS will shed some light on these issues designing innovative and highly scalable Operating System Models and Architectures, relying on concepts drawn from the domain of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) and GRID computing, encompassing in a holistic view the software layers that go from the application programmer to the kernel developer.
IRMOS - Interactive Real-time Multimedia Applications on Service Oriented Infrastructures
The IRMOS Project (Interactive Real-time Multimedia Applications on Service Oriented Infrastructures) aims to design, develop and validate a Service Oriented Infrastructure with Real-Time capabilities, so as to allow for the deployment of applications with pre-determined service levels.
Within the project, we developed a real-time SMP scheduler for the Linux kernel. For more information, refer to the relative article appeared on, or the article published at OSPERT 2009.
ARSim - Adaptive Reservations Simulator
ARSim is an open-source tool for the simulation of systems composed of multiple resources managed through adaptive reservation schemes, shared among multiple tasks. A modular architecture allows for modeling various types of task workloads, as well as various control policies.
The software may be downloaded following this link.
AQuoSA - Adaptive Quality of Service Architecture
AQuoSA (Adaptive Quality of Service Architecture) is a project that expands the CPU-scheduling components developed for the Linux kernel inside the OCERA project. Specifically, such components have been refactored and integrated into a modular architecture for the dynamic feedback-based adaptation of the bandwidth through a variety of controllers which are available in the architecture. It aims at supporting the possibility for QoS aware applications to reserve multiple resources at the same time, in a coordinated fashion.
Open middleware for smartcard interoperability on Unix-like systems.

The paper writer's FAQ

I wrote a section with some editorial problems which are quite common in the world of research, especially about writing articles. I hope this may help some PhD students or researchers with the paper work.

Archived contents

Some of the prior contents of this page, referring to past projects or events, may be found in the page of the archived contents.

Contact information

In order to send me an e-mail, please click on the proper link on the navigation bar. Your preferred e-mail program will automatically be launched. Anycase, my address is: cucinotta at domain

Main page Research activities Publications Talks MSc thesis projects Courses Mentoring Hobby and spare time Write me Last updated on
22 February 2025