4th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies
for Embedded and Real-time Systems
July, 9th 2013, Paris, France |
The existing tools for the response-time analysis of Controller Area Network (CAN) support only periodic and sporadic messages. They do not analyze mixed messages which are implemented by several higher-level protocols based on CAN that are used in the automotive industry. We present a new response-time analyzer for CAN that supports periodic and sporadic as well as mixed messages. Moreover, it supports the analysis of the system where periodic and mixed messages are scheduled with offsets. It will support the analysis of all types of messages while taking into account several queueing policies and buffer limitations in the CAN controllers.
On the Convergence of Experimental Methodologies for Distributed Systems: Where do we stand?
Maximiliano Geier (a)(b), Lucas Nussbaum (b) and Martin Quinson (b)
(a) Departamento de Computaci´on, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (C1428EGA), Argentina
(b) Inria, Villers-l`es-Nancy, F-54600, France
Universit´e de Lorraine, LORIA, F-54500, France
CNRS, LORIA - UMR 7503, F-54500, France
Understanding distributed systems is a complex task. There are many subsystems involved, such as network equipment, disk and CPU, which effect behavior. In order to analyze this kind of applications, different approaches have been proposed: simulation, emulation and experimentation. Each paradigm has evolved independently, providing their own set of tools and methodologies.
This paper explores how these tools and methodologies can be combined in practice. Given a simple question on a particular system, we explore how different experimental frameworks can be combined in practice. We use a representative framework for each methodology: Simgrid for simulation, Distem for emulation and Grid’5000 for experimentation. Our experiments are formally described using the workflow logic provided by the XP Flow tool.
Our long term goal is to foster a coherent methodological framework for the study of distributed systems. The contributions of this article to that end are the following: we identify a set of pitfalls in each paradigm that experimenters may encounter regarding models, platform descriptions and others. We propose a set of general guidelines to avoid these pitfalls. We show these guidelines may lead to accurate simulation results. Finally, we provide some insight to framework developers in order to improve the tools and thus facilitate this convergence.
Tropos For Embedded Real-time Control System
Modeling and Simulation
Nesrine Darragi, Philippe Bon, Simon Collart-Dutilleul, El-Miloudi El-Koursi
Univ Lille Nord de France, IFSTTAR, ESTAS
20 Rue Elisee Reclus,
BP 70317, F-59666 Villeneuve D'Ascq, France
Simulation is the imitation of a system or a process in order to manage the complexity of simulated system or to optimize its performance. This paper presents a agent-based strategy of modeling and simulation.We introduce some modeling methodologies in order to determine the most adequate technique to deal with embedded control systems. We also introduce the Tropos and Agentology methodologies by describing used concepts and how they are integrated with the current stages of Tropos and Multi-agent System methodology. The above is illustrated using an embedded real-time control system as a case study.