4th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies
for Embedded and Real-time Systems
July, 9th 2013, Paris, France |
Submitted papers should follow the IEEE conference format (2 columns, 10 pt, single-line spacing) and should not exceed 6 pages in length. Papers must be submitted in PDF format. The papers will be reviewed by the workshop Program Committee. All accepted papers will be made available to all participants one week before the workshop so that contributions can be examined prior to the event.
Papers should be submitted by using the START Conference Manager system. The system acknowledges receipt of each submission by sending an e-mail to the contact author, and it allows to revise a submission till the deadline. In order to submit a paper, visit the submission page.
If a paper is accepted, at least one author should register for the workshop following indications sent in the notification of acceptance, and present the paper at the workshop in person.