Industrial projects

I closely work with industries on R&D and innovation projects. In particular, I am working (or recently worked) on

  • Automotive: autonomous driving software, safe and secure multi-domain systems with heterogeneous computing platforms, hypervisor-based virtualization, time-predictable hardware acceleration, trusted execution environments, design optimization of engine-control software.
  • Railway: safety-critical operating systems and hypervisors (according to EN50128/9), design and analysis methodologies for safety-critical railway software.
  • Avionics and drones: methodologies for transitioning helicopter flight control software to multicores, multi-domain navigation system for drones, time-predictable hardware acceleration.

Institutional projects

Active projects

  • SERICS: SEcurity and RIghts In the CyberSpace. Funded by NextGenerationEU.
  • AIRCARE: AI-Augmented Robotics For CAncer Point of CaRE. Funded by the EU under the Horizon Europe programme.
  • NANCY: An Artificial Intelligent Aided Unified Network for Secure Beyond 5G Long Term Evolution. Funded by the EU under the Horizon Europe programme.
  • RETICULATE: REal-TIme and seCUre acceLeration framework for Artificial inTElligence. Funded by MUR under the PRIN programme.
  • OPERAND: a recOnfigurable Platform and framEwork foR Ai infereNce at the eDge. Funded by MUR under the PRIN-PNRR programme.
  • Department of Excellence in Robotics & AI. Funded by MUR.

Past projects

  • AMPERE: A Model-driven development framework for highly Parallel and EneRgy-Efficient computation supporting multi-criteria optimisation. Founded by the EU under the H2020 programme.
  • SPHERE: Software architecture for Predictable HEterogeneous REal-time systems. Founded by the MIUR under the PRIN programme.
  • SAFURE Safety And Security By Design For Interconnected Mixed-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems. Founded by the EU under the H2020 programme.
  • RETINA: REal-TIme support for heterogenous Networks in Automotive applications. Founded by the EU under the EUROSTARS programme.