I'm an Associate Professor at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Pisa (Italy), where I'm part of the Real-Time Systems Laboratory (ReTiS Lab) and the Department of Excellence in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.
In March 2017 I received the PhD in Emerging Digital Technologies (curriculum Embedded Systems) at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, where I worked at the ReTiS Lab under the supervision of Prof. Giorgio Buttazzo.
In 2016 I visited the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems - Kaiserslautern (Germany), where I worked with Björn Brandenburg.
Previously, I graduated cum Laude in 2013 in Computer Engineering at University of Pisa, within the excellence program.
In 2023, I received the IEEE TCCPS Early Career Award and, in 2019, I received the ACM SIGBED Early Career Award.
I'm Associate Editor of
- IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC)
- Springer Real-Time Systems - The International Journal of Time-Critical Computing Systems
- Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems (LITES)
I'm also a member of the Technical Committee on Factory Automation of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, and part of the Steering Committees of the ACM SIGBED International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT) and the International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS).
In 2018, my PhD dissertation was honored with the EDAA Outstanding Dissertation Award in the area "New directions in software design and optimization for embedded, cyber-physical and secure systems".
I'm CTO and co-founder of Accelerat, a startup company working on software solutions for safe, secure, and predictable cyber-physical systems. In the past, I've also been a co-founder of Wriggle Solutions (IP now acquired).
Research interests
My research is focused on Real-Time Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems. In particular I'm working on:
- Real-time operating systems: design and implementation;
- Cyber-security and virtualization for embedded systems;
- Real-time schedulability analysis;
- Safe and secure machine learning for CPS;
- Synchronization protocols.
Professional Service
- General Chair of RTNS 2025
- TPC Chair of EMSOFT 2024, TPC Vice-Chair of EMSOFT 2023
- TPC Co-Chair of ETFA 2023, Track 8 - Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks, and Information Processing
- RTSS@Work Chair of RTSS 2024
- Publicity Co-Chair of 2022 CPS-IoT Week
- TPC Co-Chair of RTSOPS 2022
- TPC Co-Chair of ETFA 2022, Track 8 - Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks, and Information Processing
- Deptuty TPC Chair of RTAS'21
- I've been involved in the Program Committee of the following conferences and workshops: RTAS (2025-2024, 2022-2019), EMSOFT (2022, 2020-2018), RTSS (2020-2018), DAC (2025, 2022-2019), ECRTS (2019), ICCPS (2025-2023, 2020), DATE (2025), NCTA (2024, 2023), RTCSA (2022-2020), ETFA (2023-2018), SafeComp (2024), ICESS 2018, ICARSC 2018, ARC 2018, WATERS (2018, 2017), RTSOPS 2018, DETECT 2019 and 2018, JWRTC 2017 and 2015, RTNS 2018 and ECRTS 2016 (Artifact evaluation).
- Reviewer for international journals: Real-Time Systems Journal, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Access, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Design Automation for Embedded Systems, Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems, Journal of Systems Architecture.