Object Oriented Software Design
Graduate Program in Information Science and Technology
Academic Year 2010-2011
Second semester
Reference Books
The following books can be used as a reference:
- Thinking in C++, volume 1 (Bruce Eckel), also freely available
on-line, for
example here
(C++ language)
- B. Stroustrup, "The
C++ Programming language" (C++ language)
- E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson,
J. Vlissides, "Design
Patterns, elements of reusable object-oriented software" (Design
- A. Alexandrescu, "Modern C++ design" (Template metaprogramming, and
- H. Sutter, "Exceptional
C++" (various programming techniques with C++)
- M. Fowler "Refactoring, improving the design of existing code"
- D. Schmidt, M. Stal, H. Rohnert,
F. Buschmann, "Pattern Oriented Software Architecture,
volume 2, patterns for concurrent and networked objects"
(distributed patterns)
- K. Beck, "Extreme Programming Explained" (the XP
- C++ summary (printable, examples)
- C++ basics (printable, examples)
- Operators (printable, examples)
- Inheritance (printable, examples)
- Multiple Inheritance (printable, examples)
- Exceptions, Templates (printable, examples)
- Real Application: Inheritance examples (printable, examples)
- Introduction to patterns(printable)
- Real Application: Factories(examples)
- Real Application: More on creation(printable, examples)
- Safety to exceptions(printable, examples)
Other slides will be available soon.